The center person is a traced photo of me. “DOG'22” because eat this pointed I had begun developing a relationship between my art and myself with the idea and feelings associated with dogs. What does it mean to be described as a dog, and furthermore what could it mean considering all characteristics that are applied to dogs? The idea of listing every influence I have, and every one or entity that has contributed in some way to my art is a daunting task that fascinates me. Here I have listed some influences relevant to the time of creation. Notably including “HTS CREW” the crew I belong exclusively to, Tim hecker and Spider Gang as musical influences, WEKMAN and fnnngn as visual influences, BADSON a brand whose hood and pants I’m wearing in the image, more abstract influences such as from Artprimo which is where I buy my paint, and referencing “doop.21.20” - myself from the past.